Saturday, 4 June 2011

As you can see from the two photos it is a little low but it works quite well.
We had a steady stream of people through the doors in the afternoon. One lady came in trotted half way down the room crossed over to the middle and trotted past us and said "lovely". She had viewed the exhibition for less than 30 seconds!

Claudio sold a photo early in the afternoon! The first of many- we hope! I have had some interest and a couple are coming in today.

Will let you know if anything happens.

Exhibition Day 1

Yesterday was the first full day of the Exhibition. I arrived at the school at about 10am, had a tidy round and put the advertising board outside. I had two or three people through the door in the first hour. I had questions about the printing, frames and where in England did I live!

When we hung the exhibition we were unable to use the walls - strange I know - the reflection was so bad that you couldn´t see the photos. The large photos are hung on the radiators and the small ones are on the window sills!

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Welcome to my Blog. I have posted my latest photos, some of which are featured in my first every exhibition, which is currently showing at Writers Week, Listowel, I hope you like the photos. I will update you with any news from Writers Week.